
Anti-collision and Anti-run over system for industry

vehiculo y humano

9 September, 2022 - Indoor and outdoor localisation is disruptive. Its use enables the transformation of business and the way work is carried out in companies. Over the last few years our company has been developing solutions for different sectors, such as Public Administrations, healthcare, smart buildings, industry and civil works. Now, in this blog post we update the description of our solution for increasing safety at work in industries and warehouses.

The control needs of operators and the machines they manage in industrial environments and civil works are many. On the one hand, there are the safety requirements of workers (PRL: Prevention of Occupational Risks) which, in some cases, can be very important for the determination of critical situations and to avoid accidents.

Here we can see the typical dashboard of our system, summarising the vehicles, locations and trackers (workers) detected at any given moment.

It follows a typical scheme of our Active Safety solution for construction and civil engineering projects:


In this case, in addition to the anti-ramming system, communications are included to report the status of the vehicles, the trackers detected, their distance and location.

In this way, such solutions can not only help prevent accidents, but also facilitate better management of business resources.

The following are examples of vehicles that could be monitored:

todo tipo de vehiculos

For these scenarios our company proposes three types of approaches:

  1. Smartphone only and no infrastructure. They are mainly used to locate people in the factory equipped with a smartphone and without the need to install positioning infrastructure. They are medium-precision solutions (2m to 4m), economical and above all useful for scenarios in which it is very difficult to install beacons (e.g. hazardous or explosive environments - ATEX).
  2. With beacons. In this case, antennas are deployed and used as a reference for position determination. Depending on the number of them installed, the accuracy can be very high (<1m) and what is also very important, the response times are very fast. So these solutions are also useful for machinery control in the plant. In this case people wear personalised devices for localisation (bracelets or helmets) and vehicles are also equipped with a device for remote control.
  3. With beacons on vehicles. This case is a simplified application of the previous one, but instead of deploying beacons throughout the warehouse, these are placed in the vehicles and with a personalised SW, safety zones are defined around the forklift truck (e.g. 5m). If any person enters this zone, an alarm is triggered and the vehicle stops, for example. The same can happen if two trucks meet. Another way to use this system is to install receivers in the corners or aisles of the hall and have them alert the operators when the forklift approaches. We call this solution an "anti-collision system" and it can be useful for all scenarios where there is machinery with people working around it (warehouses, construction sites, mines, harbours, etc.).

ventajas del sistema


Workers shall wear a bracelet or device on the helmet for detection. If a vehicle enters the danger zone, the worker's device will generate a warning and/or vibration. Some typical devices can be seen here.


Nuestra solución dispone de una plataforma de tiempo real que permite la visualización de la posición, en el interior de los almacenes o en el exterior de las obras (vía GPS), del sistema anticolisión/antiatropello y de las detecciones de los rastreadores (tags) realizadas.

Our solution has a real-time platform that displays the position of the anti-collision/anti-run over system and the detections made by the trackers (tags) to be displayed inside the warehouses or outside the worksite (via GPS).

consola anticolision1consola anticolision2consola anticolision3

With our management platform it is possible to have a control of the incidents that are happening in the works and to obtain reports of the use of the system (e.g. trackers detected by vehicle).

Below is a short video explaining the concept of the anti-collision and anti-kickback system.

These positioning systems are then integrated with company systems, in some cases with access control, time and attendance, security (PSIM) or HR (PRL) systems.

Another application case for some of these scenarios is that of asset control. In this way, a tag is associated to each device and its location can be controlled at all times, so that the process followed by the materials in the warehouses can be known, optimising their management and even preventing theft.

Examples of some scenarios where our anti-collision system is useful: warehouse, factory, construction site, mine or harbour.


maquinaria construccionminero


More information about our indoor localisation solutions can be found here or by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or here.