
IoT Node

Nodo IoT3

20 December, 2022 - Aplicaziones launches its cost-effective, UNE 178104 & UNE 178108-compliant IoT Node for sensor management in buildings

It is based on a compact, professional, high-performance computer (quad core, 4GB RAM, multiple slots for I/O ports and communication interfaces).

Among others, the following interfaces are available:

  • 5G/4G/NB IoT, for communications over public networks
  • LoRaWAN, for those cases of high sensor density with information that does not need high refresh rates and where it is useful to use batteries to minimise installation costs.
  • Bluetooth, for use cases where real time information is needed and at the same time low power consumption of sensors
  • WiFi, for use by sensors with high bandwidth requirements
  • Gigabit Ethernet (copper and fibre) for high-speed communications
  • Serial Communications Ports for low speed sensor connections (e.g. Modbus)
  • Current loop communications modules for very low speed sensors
  • Analogue and Digital I/O modules for direct sensor connection

Nodo IoT1

With regard to the SW, the equipment can be used by any IoT platform on the market or, alternatively, the adaptation that our company has made of the ResIOT platform is available, which allows us to integrate/manage all types of sensors and communications.

Nodo IoT4

Summary of some functionalities of the platform implemented on our IoT Node:

  • Core IoT-Server as an Application/Automation/Data adapter Serve
  • Dashboad(Control Center)
  • High Availability and Scalability
  • Data Adapters & Connectors
  • Infinity Automation
  • Scheduling
  • Lua 5.1 Scripting
  • Asset management Tracking & Maps
  • Alerts and Notifications
  • Web interface, autoprovisioning & monitoring
  • Data Store,RT Sending & Analysis
  • LoRaWAN® Private or/and Public LPWAN
  • Sandboxes support
  • IoT Agents for semantics gateways comms with third parties platforms (i.e. Smartcities)

Let's take a look at some of the data connectors available through our IoT Node: and the LoraWAN Network Server configuration.

ConectoresMenu LoraWAN


It is also possible to build customised data modules for the projects and/or teams involved.

In this way, cost-effective and optimised solutions are available for the different needs and use cases of IoT systems in buildings.

More information in our SmartSpaces product area or by downloading the IoT Node catalogue or contacting us directly.